From the series "Colors of the Arctic". Seasons on Svalbard change rapidly and suddenly. The transitions from light to dark and inversed are short. Sunsets are rare, yet when around they last forever. Every day seems to be different. A slight change in the position of the sun, the first snow, ice, full moon or bare tundra: it all causes the light and the colors to differ from day to day. This series captures those colors in the beautiful bare landscape of North-West Svalbard.
From the series "Celestial Indifference". The Arctic is warming faster than any other region on Earth. The climate is changing, weather patterns are shifting, glaciers are melting. In addition, people are coming and going, and although some friendships are profound and will last forever, many contacts and experiences feel volatile. The position of Earth in our solar system seems to be the only constant in the Arctic life. No matter how remarkable the weather was yesterday and what friend left last week, the light and the darkness will arrive as calculated.
From the series "While it lasts". Glaciers all over the world are melting rapidly. Depending on the type of glacier, they melt with several meters to several hundreds of meters each year. Enjoy their beauty while they last.

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